Sci*lebrity of the Day
Posted by Thomas Cadolino on

Dr. Frederick Banting Dr. Frederick Banting and his team discovered insulin as the treatment for diabetes (1921-22). Banting was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1923. Thanks to Dr. Banting, millions of people are able to live longer, more comfortable lives. #SciLife #ScilebrityClothingSource:
Sci*lebrity Quote of the Day
Posted by Thomas Cadolino on

"The rotating planets orbit the sun like pirouetting dancers in a cosmic ballet, choreographed by the forces of gravity." -Neil deGrasse Tyson #StarTalk Source: Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains the Formation of the Moon #SciLife #ScilebrityClothing
Sci*lebrity Quote of the Day
Posted by Thomas Cadolino on

The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it. - Neil deGrasse Tyson Source: NPR; Patrick Eccelsine/Fox #SciLife #ScilebrityClothing
Sci*lebrity Quote of the Day
Posted by Thomas Cadolino on

All great achievements in science start from intuitive knowledge, namely, in axioms, from which deductions are then made. … Intuition is the necessary condition for the discovery of such axioms. -Albert Einstein #SciLife #ScilebrityClothing
Sci*lebrity Event of the Day
Posted by Thomas Cadolino on

On October 25, 1671, Giovanni Cassini discovered Iapetus, one of Saturn's moons. Iapetus is the third largest and one of the stranger of the 53 or more moons of Saturn. Its leading side is dark with a slight reddish color while its trailing side is bright. The dark surface might be composed of matter that was either swept up from space or oozed from the moon's interior. This difference is so striking that Cassini noted that he could see Iapetus only on one side of Saturn and not on the other. In Greek mythology Iapetus was a Titan, the son of Uranus,...